On November 2, 2019, the BHFC hosted the International Research Confernece “The 9th Vorontsov Readings: Cultural Heritage of the Era of Vorontsov”. The conference featured 14 reports and a presentation of “Vorontskiy sbornik. Volume 9. Collection of research papers” (Odessa: Udacha, 2019).
Of particular interest for the history of Odessa were new reports about the Vorontsov family, studies in cultural heritage of the Vorontsov period, history of periodical press in Odessa.
In particular, these included:
- Lisunets L. I. “Documents on the life and work of E.K. Vorontsova in the funds of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art”
- Polevschikova E.V. “Odessa publications in the library of Prince M. S. Vorontsov: research objectives and prospects”
- Grebtsova, “Yuzhny” and “Novorossiyskiy” collections of papers in the social and cultural life of Odessa ”
- Levchenko V.V. “Historical and cultural aspects of the private book collection of Professor B.V. Varneke”
- Korpusova I.V., Ozeryanskaya I.M. “The history of smallpox vaccination and medals from Odessa museums”
- Izbash-Gotskan T.A. “The heritage and legacy of Alexander L. Berthier-Delagard”
The organizers anticipate to hold the 10th Vorontsov Readings in Odessa in November 2021.