nemye nochi

6th “Silent Nights”

The Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Odessa and the Greek Film Archive – Film Museum will participate as partners in the 6th “Silent […]

Participation of Director S. Paradeisopoulos in the International Symposium of the LIMEN Project on August 22-29, 2015

Cultural tourism is an important aspect of sustainable development. The OLKAS (www.olkas.net) and LIMEN (www.limenproject.net) projects, co-financed by the EU Joint Operational Program “Black Sea 2007-2013” […]

Dear participants of children’s drawing contest

Dear participants of children’s drawing contest “Spirit of Hellas among Us” (also known as “Greece through the eyes of children”, PLEASE RESPOND to this message. In […]

Four-year Greek language course of traditional Greek dances

The Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Odessa announces CALLS FOR ADMISSION 1) Four-year Greek language course Eligible age: from 7 Teachers: Native speakers […]