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The message of the head of the Greek Language Center J. N. Kazazis to the International Greek Language Day

On the occasion of «International Greek Language Day» on February 9, 2019 The Greek language deserves to be learned and loved; for its virtues, but mainly […]
Вечер греч языка

“A fascinating journey into the world of Greek language and fairy tales”

February 9, 2019 (Saturday) at 12:00, on the occasion of the World Day of Greek Language, the BHFC will host “A Fascinating Journey to the World […]

Lecture: “Creating a portrait of an Odessite: “They have come, they have stayed ”

February 7, 2019 at 16:00 the BHFC will host a lecture “Creating a portrait of an Odessite: “They have come, they have stayed” by Dr. Alexander […]

Examinations for the International Certificate of Proficiency in Greek Language

Since 2001, the Branch of the HFC has been functioning as a Greek Language Examination Centre authorized by the Centre of Modern Greek Language in Thessaloniki […]