Online lecture: “Greeks from Chios in Southern Ukraine (late 18th – early 20th century.): A prosopographic portrait of the ethno-social community”
Кириак Костанди_2
A walking tour “Here, in Odessa, he lived, worked and created…”
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In memory of K.K. Kostandi (15.10.1852-31.10.1921)


In October 2021, the BHFC will hold two events dedicated to Kiriak Konstantinovich Kostandi (15.10.1852-31.10.1921), an ethnic Greek, artist, academician of painting and teacher.  These will include:

  1. A walking tour “Here, in Odessa, he lived, worked and created” guided by Mrs. Olena Diakova, a Member of the Presidium of the Regional Council for Peace.
  2. A commemorative meeting “You are not forgotten, and your canvases will never decay…” (at BHFC, by invitations)

The dates and time of events and the press -releases will be published in advance on the website of the BHFC.