Greeks of the Crimea in the 18th – early 21st centuries. Catalogue

Ancient Greek Sites in the Crimea.
Gregorios Maraslis: 175 years from his birth. Catalogue

Greeks of the Crimea in the 18th – early 21st centuries. Catalogue


Simferopol, 2004
Russian edition with an English preface.(The catalogue was made available at the time of the exhibition.)
Pages: 48

A large quantity of historical and folklore evidence is assembled and recorded in the few pages of this exhibition catalogue. This material illustrates transformations that have taken place over the last 200 years in the traditional culture, and in public and private life, which make it possible to identity the distinctive features of the oral tradition and literature, religious beliefs, and customs of the Greek communities.
It includes folklore documentation and photographic and archive material collected during field research in sixteen municipalities and communities of the Crimea (November 2001, June 2002), and in museums and state archives in Russia and the Ukraine (2003-2004). The exhibition and the catalogue are the product of a folklore research mission carried out by the Odessa Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture under Eleni Samaritaki, founder member of the Branch, and in collaboration with the Universities of Odessa and the Crimea.
207 pictures, 20×20.