On March 24, 2018, there were announced the results of the 21st annual contest among children and youth “The spirit of Hellas Among Us” on the theme “The Great Greeks of All Time”.
In total, 538 works were received from a number of Ukrainian cities and villages including, but not limited to, Kiev, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kamyanets-Podolskiy, Kharkov, Izyum, Chuguev, Artsyz, Kiliya, Chernomorsk, Yuzhny, Velikaya Novoselka. The majority of works were submitted by the Art School of Artsyz (120), the School of Music from Yuzhny (46), the Music School of Belyaevka, the Razdelnaya School of Music and School of Arts from Izyum.
The awards were delivered by:
– Consul General of Greece in Odessa, Mrs. D. Koukoulopoulou, who, in addition to the awards from the founders of the contest, presented an additional gift to each awardee
– Director of the HFC Branch Mr. S. Paradisopoulos
– Director of the P. Giannakos Cultural Foundation (Crete) Mr. Christos of Giannakos
The jury has thoroughly examined all the works and for the out-of-competition works (5-6 years old children) (inclusive) awarded the diplomas and gifts to the following contestants:
– Buber Sofia, 5 years old, “Hercules and Artemis”, K.M. Bogolyubova Art Studio
– Ardashev Georgiy, 6 years old, “Courageous Spartans”, School of Music of Yuzhny (teacher I. Matushevskaya)
– Dragomirova Radmira, 5 years old, Children’s School of Art, Razdelnaya
– Cherkes Anna, 6 years old, “Kittens”, K.M. Bogolyubova Art Studio
– Ignatenko Sergey, 6 years old, Children’s School of Art, Yuzhny (teacher I. Matushevskaya)
Regardless of the age group, seven contestants received diplomas and gifts as the winners in the following categories:
Technique: Klimenko Sveta, 10 years old, “Pythagoras”, Children’s Music School No.2, Glazunova O.K. (teacher Gudimenko A.V.)
Plastic idea: Yuzlenko Maxim, 13 years old, “Alexander the Great”, K. K. Kostandi Children’s School of Art № 1 (teacher Tikhomirova T.N.)
Expressiveness: Andronova Anita, 7 years old, ” Alexander the Great and his warriors », Children’s School of Art, Yuzhny (teacher Nikoryak T. I.)
Fantasy: Ryzhalo Valeria, 7 years old, “Diogenes”, Music School of Kiliya (teacher Leventsova V.)
Unconventional solution: Sobolskaya Victoria, 11 years old, “Songs of the Greek nightingale”, Children’s School of Art, Mogilev-Podilskiy (teacher Labun I.Yu.)
Originality of performance: Barak Anastasia, 15 years old, “Kostandi. Dofinovka”, Children’s School of Art No. 2 (teacher Krotevich N.M.)
Emotionality of solution: Gulko Yaroslav, 8 years old, “Spartacus”, Children’s School of Art, Artsyz (teacher Afanasyev V.N.)
Winners awarded with a trip to Greece (age 9 to 15) are:
Zubets Olga, 12 years old, “In the Museum of the Outstanding Greeks”, School of Music, Ovidiopol (teacher Dinko N.G.)
Nanega Anna, 14 years old, “The House Built by Homer”, School of Arts, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Khmelnytska oblast, (teacher Degtyar K.B.)
Nikitina Vika, 15 years old, “Archimedes”, Children’s School of Art, Artsyz (teacher Afanasyev V.N.)
Diplomas for the collection of highly artistic works were awarded to:
– Nikoryak T.I. (32 works) – Teacher of the Children’s School of Art in Yuzhny
– Afanasyev V.N. – director of the Artsyz Children’s School of Art, for the continuous participation in the contest and the collection of submitted works
– Leventsova V.Yu. – teacher of the Children’s School of Music in Kiliya
– Children’s School of Art in Izyum, for the collection of submitted works
The winning works are included in the exhibition of 56 best works of the contest displayed at the Branch of the HFC.
Admission to the exhibition is free.